Legacy of Secrecy: The film about the assassination of JFK and New Project DiCaprio and De Niro
The mysterious murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy remains a subject of great attraction for all kinds of directors, and David O. Russell (Joy) was the last to be seduced. Legacy of Secrecy, Leonardo DiCaprio will play Jack Van Laningham, FBI agent whom the mafioso Carlos Marcello confessed to killing the president.
The film will be produced by DiCaprio himself, but certainly its main attraction lies with the actor responsible for interpreting Marcello, which will be none other than Robert De Niro. This veteran singer worked with DiCaprio well at the beginning of his career in This Boy's Life, and being practically one of its discoverers, it will be interesting to see how they look both on screen after so long.
El misterioso asesinato de John Fitzgerald Kennedy sigue suponiendo un tema de gran atractivo para todo tipo de directores, y David O. Russell (Joy) ha sido el último en dejarse seducir. En Legacy of Secrecy, Leonardo DiCaprio interpretará a Jack Van Laningham, agente del FBI a quien el mafioso Carlos Marcello confiesa haber asesinado al presidente.
Este filme será producido por el propio DiCaprio, pero sin duda su mayor atractivo recaerá en el actor encargado de interpretar a Marcello, que no será otro que Robert De Niro. Este veterano intérprete trabajó con DiCaprio bien al principio de su carrera, en Vida de este chico, y, siendo prácticamente uno de sus descubridores, será interesante ver cómo lucen ambos en pantalla después de tanto tiempo.
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